1- Is it complicated to book an event?

It's very simple. All you have to do is send us an e-mail to [email protected]
you will receive all the help you need to plan it.

2- Can the event be a meeting with few people at home?

It can be a "mega event" or just a meeting of two people in your house. The important thing is the spirit of solidarity.

3- How do I send the donations?

There are many possible alternatives. Together, we will select the one that is most suitable for you.

4- How do the guests find out that their donation arrived?

Each of them will receive a thank you letter from Fundación Tzedaká acknowledging their donation.

5- How do I know how the fundraised donations are allocated?

The aid is for the Social Programs of Fundación Tzedaká Argentina, but if someone is interested in a particular program (i.e.: Childhood) they can request for their donation to be directed to that fund.